Susie Wiles: Reining or Reigning?

Susie Wiles on the Campaign Trail with Donald Trump, 2024. Photo Credit: Yahoo News.

While we collectively spiral and share the latest conspiracy theories of the day about what is happening in Washington, and who is really holding power, we’re all overlooking the glaring green light. Susie Wiles, Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff, was touted immediately as organized and methodical – exactly what Trump needed this go around in… Continue reading Susie Wiles: Reining or Reigning?

Marked Safe In Louisville, Kentucky

My hometown, Louisville, Ky.

Today, April 10, 2023, just after 8:30AM, there was a mass shooting incident in downtown Louisville at a bank. Between deaths and injuries, there are 14 people who were directly harmed, with that pain and fear radiating out to their families, the others working and living in downtown Louisville, and our community at large. Not… Continue reading Marked Safe In Louisville, Kentucky

Book Review: Lost and Found by Natalie Shampanier

Lost and Found by Natalie Shampanier My rating: 5 of 5 stars I received a digital copy of Lost and Found from the author in exchange for an honest review. I read a lot of children’s literature, initially because I enjoy it but now as research for how I want to curate my own child’s… Continue reading Book Review: Lost and Found by Natalie Shampanier

Book Review: Vagina Problems by Lara Parker

Vagina Problems: Endometriosis, Painful Sex, and Other Taboo Topics by Lara Parker My rating: 4 of 5 stars I didn’t realize the author was the woman who made videos for Buzzfeed about Endo and other Vagina Problems a few years back. Then, I actually learned a lot about these sorts of issues from her content… Continue reading Book Review: Vagina Problems by Lara Parker

Book Review: What Comes Down To Us

What Comes Down to Us: 25 Contemporary Kentucky Poets by Jeff Worley My rating: 2 of 5 stars Since this describes itself as a collection of contemporary Kentucky poets, I expected more contemporary to the 2010 release date, as well as poets that were specifically from Kentucky. There were a couple that was born and… Continue reading Book Review: What Comes Down To Us

My Biggest Fear Is Wetting The Bed

At the time of writing this, I am 22 weeks pregnant. My favorite room in the house, if you go by time spent there, is the bathroom. I’ve made the comment more than once to my husband that I should just start wearing diapers now instead of waiting post-partum. My biggest fear is wetting the… Continue reading My Biggest Fear Is Wetting The Bed

Gaming: Best Classes In Super People

Free To Play on Steam here. Super People is a battle royale game similar in concept to Fortnite, but with more realistic characters and surroundings, as well as more adult themes (akin to PUBG). There are 14 classes of characters to choose from, and each offers a different set of skills and superpowers in the… Continue reading Gaming: Best Classes In Super People

BBC Sherlock Fanfic: After The Aquarium

Photo Courtesy: BBC; BBC Sherlock.

This was a brief fanfic I wrote roughly five years ago on Tumblr (when both Tumblr and fanfics were all the rage), and I waffled over whether to edit it and add more, or to present it as it was when I first posted the story. Ultimately, I decided to do a quick spellcheck, but… Continue reading BBC Sherlock Fanfic: After The Aquarium