Body issues and eating disorders are never fun to discuss, though we have been seeing the topic breach the light of day more these days, thankfully. As a child of the ‘90s and early ‘00s, it was driven into me that the standard of beauty was Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, and as a chunky… Continue reading Weighted or Weightless; Neither Adds Balance
Masters of the Universe: Revelation as Political Allegory
The underlying commentary of Masters of the Universe: Revelation is that power is draining from the masses, and is becoming a rare exclusive thing for only the elite- only those who take power in to become god-like. Given the timeline of the real world going on around Kevin Smith and his team of writers and… Continue reading Masters of the Universe: Revelation as Political Allegory
Masters Overcorrects to be Feminist
Kevin Smith’s revival of Masters of the Universe was highly anticipated in 2021. As someone well known for being a nerd and valuing the nostalgia that keeps nerd culture going, most trusted him to provide an up-to-date but reminiscent He-Man. With Masters of the Universe: Revelation, Smith gives us a fully plotted out show, with… Continue reading Masters Overcorrects to be Feminist
Marvel’s Eternals Diversity Mirrors Reality
Marvel’s Phase Four is jam-packed with adventurous and bold characters, but the movie deserving the most hype is Eternals. A deep dive into the immortals who came to Earth to protect and build it, the audience will get to see the surface level war that has been going on between the title heroes and the… Continue reading Marvel’s Eternals Diversity Mirrors Reality
The Teacher
He sat at his desk, bored and staring at the white wall before him. His eyes started to sting from the lack of blinking. They shifted to the tabletop where papers were little reminders that he had a job to do. He sighed. Why was he here? Why should he stay? Why did he ever… Continue reading The Teacher